Discipline- Interventions, Suspensions, and Expulsions
PBIS PBIS supports schools, districts, and states to build systems capacity for implementing a multi-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support. The broad purpose of PBIS is to improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of schools and other agencies. PBIS improves social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities and students from underrepresented groups
-PBIS.org Bully PreventionResearchPBIS Program Evaluations |
DISCIPLINEWhen children fail to succeed, the whole community is harmed. Keeping students engaged in the classroom is fundamental to academic success. The use of punitive discipline practices that rely on suspension, expulsion, and other harsh consequences—often applied disproportionately to minority students—undermine the goal of success for all.
Positive School Discipline is a comprehensive approach that uses discipline to teach rather than punish and, as a result, helps students succeed and thrive in school. Schools that take this approach promote positive student behavior while preventing negative and risky behaviors. Positive School Discipline is integrated into the policies, programs, and practices of a school and is applied system wide—in the classroom, school, and community—to create a safe, supportive learning environment for all students. |